Our Launch Steering Committee members are experts in their fields from wildlife conservation and preservation, undercover investigations, global politics, non-profits, global strategy and business. Guiding us as we launch to find and support effective initiatives in Africa that protect and defend endangered species and the surrounding communities impacted by them. We’ll search for areas that are in dire need of funding to ensure their projects succeed and that wildlife, communities and habitat all thrive. It will include planting trees, fruit and crops to create industry away from poaching. Our contributions fund educational programs (with a focus on youth programs), we’ll fund practical events such as connecting villagers to the game reserves where the wildlife exists for a much needed personal connection. We’ll continue to support the protection of endangered wildlife, anti-poaching rangers, education, support to veterinarians, tracking and monitoring devices, wildlife relocation projects, rhino de-horning needs (and do all we can to help put an end to this need by stemming the rhino horn trade) and other meaningful initiatives that promote a healthy bond between humans and wildlife in Africa.
Their passion and dedication to see commercial poaching end, rivals yours and ours and we are honored they have agreed to be on our esteemed Board of Advisors.
Filmmakers/Conservationists and National Geographic Explorers-in-Residence, Founders of The Great Plains Foundation and Rhinos Without Borders. Click here for more. Nat Geo’s Explorers In Residence.
Assemblymember, Autumn R. Burke
Represents the 62nd District in the California State Assembly. She's an entrepreneur and business owner with a proven record of business development. She has worked to help provide pathways to green technology and energy efficiency in her district and is a staunch defender of animal rights, preservation and conservation. Click here for more.
Founder, Wildleaks and Earth League International. He's a courageous undercover investigator of wildlife trafficking crimes, and featured prominently in Leonardo DiCaprio's, "The Ivory Game" and the more recent “Sea of Cortez” Click here for more.
Prior to becoming CEO of COMMON, Mark was a principal at UFUSE Visionary Strategy Management, a global consulting firm devoted to unleashing creativity and helping entrepreneurs produce outstanding results through innovative business strategies, organizational design and alignment of partnerships. Click here for more.
Alan is a member of the Adventurer’s Club of Los Angeles and Explorers Club where he was the Southern California Chapter Chair. He also sits on the board of Trustees of The Cheetah Conservation Fund. He is an avid nature photographer, whose work has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Wavelength Magazine, and paddling.net - he is also the Founder of eco friendly, Infinite Safari Adventures. Click here for more.
Is the Chairman & CEO of Nambiti Private Game Reserve, Durban, South Africa, a community owned big 5 private game reserve in KwaZulu-Natal. Click here for more.